It's almost Canada Day, eh? A Context post in GIFs

25 June 2014,   By ,  

It’s almost time to celebrate our home and native land’s birthday! She doesn’t look a day over 100 though, eh?

Time to hunt through Dollarama for all things red and white …

Oh crap, Canada Day falls on a Tuesday? Does this mean we’re off Monday or Tuesday?

Okay – we’re off Tuesday, cheers to getting a random day off in the middle of the week!

Text your friends to start making plans. The beach, a park, anywhere with drinks.

Realize it’s going to be totally acceptable to drink midday mid-week.

Then realize half your friends won’t be able to come out on actual Canada Day because their office is giving them Monday off instead.

Oh well – you’re still off mid-week!

When Canada Day finally comes around, you realize that you and everyone you know is wearing the same ROOTS t-shirt.

Then you drink the drinks.

And eat the eats (AKA barbecued goodness).

Then drink more drinks.

Oooh fireworks!

Then you wake up the next day and realize you have to go into work.


On a Wednesday.

Have a great Canada Day everyone – whether you’re celebrating on Monday or the Tuesday!